Questions in Mid-November:
- How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?
- What was a typical pattern in your family growing up at a family meal?
- What has always been one of your favorite meals or a favorite recipe you love to make?
- Have you ever grown a garden and share with your family food you've grown?
- If you live with a family, how many family meals do you share each week currently? 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-21
Study for Mid-November:
- Read Exodus 12:3-11. What does this passage tell us about sacred family mealtimes in the Jewish faith? What stands out for you in this passage?What is unique about Passover in a Jewish home?
- Read Isaiah 58:6-12. What does this passage say about how we are to share our food, our lives, our meals, our resources? How do you fast? What is the relationship between feasting and fasting in your experience?
- Read Luke 22:7-20. What does this passage tell us about sacred family mealtimes in the Christian faith and the roots of the Lord’s Supper in the Jewish faith? What stands out for you in this passage?
- Read Luke 24:28-31. Describe the setting of this story. What surprises are here?
Life application for Mid-November:
- What have been your experiences of fasting?
- How do you know the difference between a “need” and a “want”, between what is essential and what is a luxury?
- What world hunger groups have you supported?
- How are you seeking to “live simply that others may simply live”? *(phrase attributed to Ghandi and Mother Teresa among others)
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